CREW Committees – where the action is
CREW Portland’s Committees work hard for you! From securing interesting and fun programs and events, to interacting with the community and seeking more ways to benefit members, committees make all this happen
The single most-effective way for members to benefit from CREW is to become involved. Committee members have increased opportunities to meet other business professionals and further develop a presence in the community.
Purpose & Members
Awards and Marketing
Awards and Marketing Committee — 2-4 Members, CommitmentCommittee Members
Jen Teckenburg, MillerKnoll
Stacey Glenewinkel, Colliers
Heidi Tapasa, USIPurpose
The awards committee serves to promote business networking within the CREW membership community and recognize outstanding CREW members by awarding our quarterly chapter Bridge Awards and nominating members for various Industry Awards. For more information on awards, see the dropdown under the Membership tab.
Celebrate Your Success with Us
Looking to celebrate a recent achievement? We’d be thrilled to share your experience on our social media channels with our People on the Move campaign! Simply submit a request through the link below to get started, and let’s spread the word together. We can’t wait to showcase your success!
Purpose & Members
CorksCREW Wine Social
CorksCREW Wine Social Committee — 6-8 Members, Commitment January - JuneCommittee Members
Shannon Mitchell, Banner Bank (Chair)
Jen Geltz, Township Building Services
Michelle Fritts, Stoller Wine Group
Holly Horton MSN NW Group
Anne Ryan, Milliken
Rhian Griffiths, Heffernan Insurance Brokers
Kristine Connolly, Kittelson & Associates
Brandi Stevens, Fluent Design
Paige Tisdale, CBRE
The event features wines chosen and poured by local wineries, along with food pairings prepared by a local caterer and is typically held in an outdoor venue around Portland. Committee members are responsible for choosing the venue, wineries, caterer, and suppliers. This is a fun, social event and offers an opportunity to network with others in the CRE industry.
Purpose & Members
CREW Careers
CREW Careers Committee — 6-8 members, Commitment Year 'round commitmentCommittee Members
Desiree Flanary, CBRE (Co-chair)
Paige Camacho, Truebeck Construction (Co-chair)
Antony Nguyen, U.S. Bank
May Han, Burgerville
Channa Kim, Central Bethany
Briana Mathias, Macadam Forbes
Ashlee Muresan, Turner Construction
Genesee Borges, CBRE
Andi Greene, Providence Health Systems
Liz Hirst, Edge Development
Kayla Erne, Chicago Title
Eileen Bosworth, Ryan
If She can see it, She can be it…
CREW Careers is a platform to introduce high school students to the many career opportunities available to them in the commercial real estate industry. The Committee is focused on connecting students to industry leaders and providing those leaders a platform to share their stories about their careers, how their careers connect them to their community, the educational and/or experiential background required and the honest truth about what it takes to flourish in those careers. Through this program we aim to increase the diversity of CRE Industry by getting young people engaged prior to college and, ultimately, increase the talent pipeline in CRE. This Committee is brand new to CREW Portland and we are looking for members to serve on the committee to help develop and deliver high engagement programming to the students as well as connect with leaders in our industry and provide them a platform to share their experience and insight.
Purpose & Members
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee — 2-4 Committee Members, Commitment Year 'roundCommittee Members
Kelly Johnson (Director)
Ash Mitchell, NAI Elliott (Chair)
MaryKay West, Interurban Real Estate Group
Julie Eng,
Carrie Perez, JP Morgan ChasePurpose
CREW celebrates multiple approaches and points of view. We are committed to building a community of respect, dignity, fairness, empathy, acceptance, equality and sisterhood. In our DEI journey we pledge to continuously embrace our honest intentions, strive to be vulnerable and forgiving all while embracing challenges to address systematic change with concrete actions.
Purpose & Members
Forecast Breakfast
Forecast Breakfast Committee — 6-8 members, Commitment June - JanuaryCommittee Members
Megan Howard, Tandem Property Management (Co-Chair)
Samantha Jordan, Samantha Jordan Design/Consulting (Co-Chair)
Krystal Lee, Figure 8 Investment Strategies
Alisa Pyszka, PSU Center for Real Estate
Elissa Looney, Perlo Construction
Chelsie Schoenborn, Lease Crutcher Lewis
Karen Lisignoli, Colliers
Kim Gaube, Guardian
Vicki Maletteri, CBRE
Dianne Danowski-Smith, Publix NW
The Forecast Breakfast is CREW Portland’s premier annual event. It provides a forum for an economist and real estate professionals to discuss current issues affecting the commercial real estate market and make predictions for the coming year. Attendance for this event tops 400 and draws press coverage. Committee members arrange the speakers and work with them on their presentations.
Purpose & Members
Future Leaders
Future Leaders Committee — 6-12 Members, Commitment July - JuneCommittee Members
Grace Hannemann, Truebeck (Co-chair)
Lera Shcheglova, LRS Architects (Co-Chair)
Marjorie Brown, Elison Brown
Chris Pellissier, Zidell
MaryKay West, Interurban Real Estate Group
Aryn Phillips, Ink Built Architecture
Savannah Sinowitz, ZGF Architects
Emily Lehman, BKF Engineers
Audrey Collins, Swinerton
The Future Leaders Committee works on our Mentorship Program which connects folks in the early stages of their real estate careers with industry veterans who are CREW members. In Future Leaders, we build relationships, share best practices, and provide leadership knowledge, insight, and mentorship, to help mentees advance their real estate careers.
The Future Leaders program runs from October through May.
Future Leader Cover Letter & Dates for 24/25 Cycle
Future Leaders Mentor Application2022-2023 CREW Mentees and Mentors
As a Portland transplant, it was important for me to get connected with an inclusive and uplifting space of experienced women in the CRE industry. I look forward to our monthly meetings where I’ve learned so much about the various aspects and careers in Commercial Real Estate from the most accomplished, caring, and passionate folks in the industry. I will treasure my time as a future leader forever as it has been an incredible experience filled with laughter, advice, support, and CRE expertise!
Kierra Wing, Assistant Real Estate Manager, CBRE, 2021-22 MenteeThe Future Leaders Mentorship Program provides exposure to and insight on our community’s CRE industry through the lens of leading men and women whose experiences are critical in understanding the diverse perspectives that have shaped and continue to shape our city’s landscape.
Melissa Cohen, Commercial Title Officer, Old Republic Title, 2020-21 MenteeThe CREW Future Leaders Program provides a platform for people who aim to step into the development world, and who want to form professional networks and learn from experienced veterans in the industry. It was a great way to apply skills we acquired in school to real-world practice. I highly recommend this program to anyone who welcomes a steep learning curve and looks forward to expanding their connections.
Xiaofei Ren, Development Associate, Guardian Real Estate Services, 2020-21 MenteeMeeting everyone at CREW was the highlight of my year. I came into the group at the recommendation of a colleague who joined the mentorship program. Even during the pandemic CREW maintained regular meetings and collaboration opportunities. I highly recommend anyone who is a part of the Real Estate industry in any capacity to join up with this group. Being new to the industry I learned something of value from every group meeting.
Diane Swanson, Business Manager, Scott | Edwards Architecture, 2020-21 Mentee -
Purpose & Members
Golf Tournament
Golf Tournament Committee — 6 Committee Members, Commitment March - AugustCommittee Members
Chelsey Boreas, GBD Architects (Co-chair)
Monica Conly, Lease Crutcher Lewis (Co-chair)
Rachelle Jones, Schnitzer Properties
Traci Frankze, Premier Press
Christine Barkow, Patcraft
Mark Aasland, PACE Engineers
This is a joint tournament with the Oregon/SW Washington CCIM Chapter. It is held at Langdon Farms Golf Club. The committee members help secure sponsorships, raffle prizes and determine the tournament events. Click here for more information on golf sponsorships.
Purpose & Members
Marketing Committee — 6-8 Committee Members, Commitment Year long CommitmentCommittee Members
Julie Eng (Co-Chair)
Kelsey Loverro, LRS Architects (Co-Chair)
Tyler Benoit, Crystal Greens
Sarah Lodge, Sign Agenda
Kim Gaube, Guardian
Paige Tisdale, CBRE
Jen Teckenberg, MillerKnoll
Julie Geiger, Design+Build Workspace
Amy Otis, Perlo ConstructionPurpose
The marketing committee oversees branding for the association, member profiles, and works to get CREW Portland recognized within the local commercial real estate industry. Email for general marketing questions.
Purpose & Members
Membership Committee — 6-8 members, Commitment Year 'roundCommittee Members
Melissa Hayden, Security Signs (co-chair)
Emily Foltz (co-chair)
Gregory Fritz,
Claudia New, Moss Adams
Traci Franzke, Premier Press
Thao Morgan, Perkins & Co
Mandy Hert, PeopleSpace
The membership committee works to recruit and retain CREW members and to promote CREW. Committee members are responsible for hosting welcome events for new members, calling new members to welcome them and to encourage them to become involved in a committee. They greet attendees at monthly luncheons as they arrive and help people feel welcome. They also plan several member only events throughout the year. They also focus on retention by calling members annually to encourage them to renew.
Purpose & Members
Programs Committee — 15-20 Committee Members, Commitment Year 'roundCommittee Members
Christine Zinkgraf, Lease Crutcher Lewis (Director)
Emily Leonard, Industrial Projects Consulting (co-chair)
Marissa Meisner, McKinstry (co-chair)
Alicia Snowden, Umpqua Bank
Amelia Palmer, Glumac
Angel Benavidez, JHC Construction
Ashley Doty, 3J Consulting
Austin Morgan, Pacific Landscape
Beth Nguyen, Geffen Mesher
Elaina Kim, Central Bethany
Elisa Ahn, Opsis Architecture
Emmy Johnston, Modern NW
Liz Kimbrel , Langan
Kimberly McNabb, Atwell
Jody Belsick, Kimley-Horn Associates
Katie Hunter, Fortis Construction
Quinn Randall, ProGrass
Julia Geiger, Design + Build
The programs committee develops and delivers ten timely, inspiring, educational and informative events for CREW Portland’s monthly luncheons. The committee provides members the opportunity to:
Expand professional networks through;
- Working with fellow committee members
- Inviting speakers to present and participate in panel discussions
- Engaging with community leaders and business professionals who present at CREW luncheons
Gain additional visibility for your firm and yourself by public speaking at luncheons or moderating panel discussions.
Develop program planning, interpersonal and communication skills.
Build long-lasting relationships by working closely with other committee members and industry partners.
Bring your voice to the table by sharing topics that are important to you and relevant within commercial real estate and other related industries. These luncheons are a platform to:
- Demonstrate and develop thought leadership
- Expand your creativity
- Contribute to program ideas and/or the direction of a topic based on member’s knowledge, expertise and interests in CRE related topics including, new local projects, developments etc.
Participate in an inclusive and supportive environment that empowers women to grow, learn, and engage in the commercial real estate community.
Committee Expectations Overview
- Lead one or two programs annually with the support of one or two additional committee members out of the ten programs a year that are delivered
- Suggested committee participation is two years to provide a period of learning then a period of mentoring
- Minimum requested commitment is one year
- Committee meetings are held monthly in the Portland area, typically on the 4th Tuesday of each month
- In-person attendance is highly encouraged given the nature of our brainstorming sessions. Dial-in, or video-call options are available for committee meetings.
Purpose & Members
Sponsorship Committee — 4-6 Members, Commitment Year 'roundCommittee Members
Colleen O’Hara, Banner Bank (Co-Chair)
Isla McLeod, NAI Elliott (Co-Chair)
Angel Benavidez, JHC Construction
Hayley Mueller, CRESAPurpose
The sponsorship committee’s main focus is securing annual sponsors and ensuring they get the most out of their benefits. Most of the work is done from June through February.